What is a UNESCO Global Geopark?
What is a UNESCO Global Geopark? A UNESCO Global Geopark is an area with internationally important rocks and landscapes, all of which are managed responsibly for tourism, conservation and education. Whilst geology may be their foundation, UNESCO Global Geoparks build upon that by bringing it together with other aspects of heritage such as archaeology, history, culture and biodiversity, all of which are intricately linked with the ground beneath our feet. All of this achieved in collaboration with local communities who help drive forward sustainable economic development and conservation to make UNESCO Global Geoparks better places to work, live and visit.
For more information visit the UNESCO Global Geoparks website here
What is the Global Geoparks Network?
The Global Geoparks Network (GGN) is a non-profit International Association officially established in 2014. The Global Geoparks Network is the official partner of UNESCO for the assessment of the UNESCO Global Geopark applications and for international networking between UNESCO Global Geoparks.
The GGN was initially founded in 2004 as a voluntary international partnership to develop models of best practice and set quality-standards for Global Geoparks to integrate the protection and preservation of Earth heritage sites in a strategy for regional sustainable economic development.
All UNESCO Global Geoparks are automatically members of the GGN and networking and collaboration among UNESCO Global Geoparks is one of its most important components. There are currently 140 UNESCO Global Geoparks around the world, with the number increasing every year. The Global Geoparks Network promotes networking in all forms, but especially on a regional basis. For UNESCO Global Geoparks in Europe, the European Geoparks Network (EGN) acts as the Regional Network of the GGN.
For more information visit the GGN website here
Regional Geopark Networks
Networking and collaboration between UNESCO Global Geoparks is an integral part of the GGN. In addition to networking on a global level, this is achieved on a regional basis through Regional Networks that have been established to reflect local conditions.
For UNESCO Global Geoparks in Europe this is done through the European Geoparks Network (EGN). There are also Regional Networks in the Asia-Pacific Region (APGN) and Latin America and the Caribbean Region (LACN).
For more information visit the EGN website here